PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Ikut Serta dalam Acara Public Expose Live 2024

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PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (“PT Vale” or “the Company”, IDX Ticker: INCO) and its subsidiaries (collectively “the Group”) today held their annual public presentation for 2024 as a form of transparency and accountability to the public, especially the Company’s shareholders. Similar to the previous year, the public presentation was conducted online as part of the Public Expose Live 2024 event organized by the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

In the presentation, PT Vale reiterated the operational achievements and financial performance for the second quarter of 2024 (“2Q24”) and the first half of 2024 (“1H24”) as previously published.

Production volume in 2Q24 experienced a slight decrease of 9% compared to the solid performance we achieved in 1Q24. This is evidence of the Company’s commitment to quality and maintenance activities, which are crucial for the long-term success of our operations. Year-on-year, our production in 2Q24 was only slightly lower by 2%, demonstrating consistent performance. Additionally, the Company is pleased to report that our production in 1H24 was higher by 3% compared to production in 1H23. This growth is the result of planned maintenance strategies and higher calcine output in 2024.

We are optimistic about our production prospects and hope that our operations continue to run smoothly until the end of the year. Our goal is to achieve a production target of around 70,800 metric tons (“t”) of nickel in matte in 2024, an increase from the previous year.